Even the OWL has decided to ride the politically correct train.

As someone who has written a lot of research papers, my teachers have always stressed proper citation of sources and have pointed to Purdue’s Online Writing Lab (OWL) as a trusted source. To see them now even dictating speech in a politically correct manner is saddening.

Purdue writing guide: Words with ‘MAN’ ‘should be avoided’ — Infowars

You know your university is a liberal cesspool when there are signs out that say, “Hate has no home in our town,” but that’s not true in regards to opinions.

Around campus for a while now, I’ve been seeing signs that say “Hate has no home in our town”. I actually beg to differ. My college town votes heavily liberally, and in general, most (though not all) liberals haven’t been very accommodating of other people’s opposite political opinions. Hate doesn’t just encompass reasons surrounding physical characteristics; it also encompasses personal thoughts and opinions. Therefore, given that my college town is mostly liberal, and the general liberal (at least as portrayed by the media) is not very tolerant of other people’s opinions despite preaching the virtue of tolerance, the message of this sign is false and won’t be true until differing political opinions are taken into account.

More gun control isn’t the answer.

I keep hearing about all this March for Our Lives stuff everywhere and kids walking out of school to protest what happened in Parkland. I think everyone recognizes that there’s a problem, but I don’t think more gun control is the solution. From what I have read, there were plenty of people around the shooter who knew there was a problem but didn’t do anything to actually solve it, so obviously, part of the solution means making it easier to get help before an event like Parkland happens. Additionally, I think you have to equip teachers  at schools somehow to defend their students. The wife of one of my cousins is an elementary school teacher herself, and when my dad and I visited her over spring break, she talked about how parts of the school lock down procedures leave them like sitting ducks. When we talked about the idea of arming teachers with guns, she pointed out that there are  enough psychotic children in schools that if they got their hands on such a gun, the situation could easily turn bad, making guns deadly impractical. As such, I believe that we need to find a way to help teachers defend their kids in dangerous situations such as Parkland with minimal risk in case kids such as those mentioned above get ahold of this method of defense.

Catholics can’t be Democrats anymore.

One of my friends shared this article on Facebook written by the esteemed Cardinal Timothy Dolan, a Catholic leader my family and I respect. What I like about this article is that it points out why I can’t ever be a Democrat, unlike I’m sure my ancestors on my mom’s side of the family were. I know at least more than one of my Irish Catholic family members were Democrats in the past, but some, like my grandmother, have felt alienated from the Democrats and decided to switch parties. In my opinion, I can’t be a part of a party that would alienate someone even if they disagreed with one thing on their party platform (remember the DNC Chairman’s remark about pro-life candidates?), so I guess that’s part of the reason I never considered being a Democrat. Of course, I disagree with a lot of policies of the Democrats, but I do really think that Republicans and traditional conservative ideas (such as those promoted on this blog) really align more with most of the Church’s teachings anyways. Honestly, with the way the Democrats are alienating people like they are my fellow Catholics on pro-life, LGBTQ, and other issues, I honestly wonder when this whole identity politics thing will come to bite them in the rear.


No More Sunday Prohibition in Indiana

For those of you unfamiliar with Indiana laws, for longer than I can remember, they were one of the few states that prohibited alcohol sales on Sunday–apparently a Prohibition era law. I could never understand why the law still existed since people could just stock up on alcohol on Saturday instead. In any case, a couple of weeks ago, Governor Holcomb, the state’s governor, signed a bill into law that legalized alcohol sales on Sunday again. You can now buy alcohol seven days a week. I can’t legally drink yet, but to all my Hoosier homies out there, enjoy!


Who Am I to Judge?

I believe I mentioned awhile ago that during the last week of my Christmas break, I went to a Catholic conference called SLS. It was a conference all about evangelization and spreading the word of God, and there were many fantastic talks there. One that I thought was particularly relevant was given by a famous Catholic speaker, author, theologian, and alum of Indiana University-Bloomington, Dr. Edward Sri. I got to hear him speak at this conference and also last night (though he talked about relationships and JPII’s Love and Responsibility this time–still a fantastic talk). His talk at the conference was about his book (a very good book, might I add), “Who Am I to Judge?”. The book is about the dangers of moral relativism and how to appropriately respond to moral relativism with love and logic. His talk is very applicable to politics in these days, so I thought I’d share his talk. I do not have access to his talk from SLS18, but I was able to find a video of a similar talk. Enjoy!


Would Oprah repeat this to someone like my great-grandmother if she were still alive?

When I read this article I saw on the NZ Conservative Coalition, I couldn’t help thinking of my great-grandmother. To help put things into perspective, she was a money-savvy 100% Irish matriarch from Wisconsin that no one dared disrespect who was born in 1895. I remember my mom telling me that while she was still alive that she had a bit of distrust of blacks, but what Oprah doesn’t seem to understand is that people like her grew up in a different time. The Civil War happened during the generation of my great-grandma’s parents, and though I don’t recollect that they owned slaves since they were from the North, slavery was still freshly dead. Even for people born in my parents’ generation and the generation of my grandparents, the Civil Rights movement was going on and racial discrimination was widespread (both my parents remember seeing colored only drinking fountains from when visiting in the south). It doesn’t necessarily make any of the discrimination is right, but we should at least do well to remember that our ancestors lived in different times and understand that they grew up in times when values were different. Enjoy!

Oprah Winfrey on old racist people: “And they just have to die” — Fellowship of the Minds

The Chastity Project on Transgenderism

The Chastity Project is an organization created by Jason and Crystalina Evert promoting chastity and purity according to Catholic teachings. I got to meet Jason on Friday, and he’s an amazing guy who knows what he’s talking about. Since all of their views on transgenderism agree with mine, I decided to forward the links to his videos on the subject (they are great resources, especially for a Catholic viewpoint). What I really love about his stance is the focus on how though Catholics don’t agree with transgenderism is that they focus on the fact that we can love them as people even though we don’t agree with what gender they think they are. I believe this is key in showing that just because we don’t like someone’s opinion, it doesn’t mean we hate them. I mean, for example, my roommate is gay, but does that mean I hate her? Absolutely not. I still love her as a person because she’s actually kind and thoughtful and the best random roommate I could’ve possibly hoped for. What matters, as I learned at SLS, is that we can judge actions, but we cannot judge souls (that’s God’s job, anyways). Enjoy!
