A Case for Giving President Trump the Nobel Peace Prize

Here’s an article that talks about why President Trump deserves the Nobel Peace Prize. In short, if the summit with North Korea works out, it’ll be good evidence for the case because it is something President Trump has worked hard on (unlike when Obama won the award even though he hadn’t really done anything before being nominated and selected.

Why Donald Trump deserves a Nobel Peace Prize — Whale Oil Beef Hooked | Whaleoil Media

I guess I’m a bit of an old soul (or maybe a middle-aged soul).

The following is an article by Ben Shapiro I saw on the NZ Conservative Coalition. It’s about the differences between older conservatives (such as my parents and grandma) and younger conservatives and young Americans in general (like myself in a sense). It does a good job presenting these differences and what older conservatives can do to appeal to young Americans/conservatives. Personally, though I can see the side of young conservatives and young Americans in general, maybe because my parents are of an older generation or something, I lie more with the older conservatives in both my political and religious views (since I’m a practicing Catholic when most millennials are not very religious) and my views of Trump. I appreciate him because, despite some questionable aspects of his personal character, he was the much better candidate policy wise than Hillary (once the candidate I was originally going to vote for was out [Dr. Ben Carson])–essentially, his policies were more important to me than his character (I mean, as this article points out, we’ve elected presidents of questionable moral character before such as JFK and Bill Clinton). I like that this article ends with practical tips on how to win over young Americans, particularly about being able to argue secularly. Being that I am religious, my religion factors a lot into my political thinking. Not to say that religious reasoning isn’t important (because as anyone genuinely practicing a faith would know, it’s a very good moral compass), it’s important to be able to explain our views that we came to through religious guidance in a secular way so that people who have not come to our faiths can understand. Honestly, all in all, as usual, Ben Shapiro makes a compelling case.

Shapiro at ‘The Weekly Standard’: How Conservatives Can Win Back Young Americans — Daily Wire

This is exactly why I have never supported the Democrats.

I saw this article on Facebook. It’s about why the Democrats have a hard time getting conservatives/Republicans, particularly conservatives opposed to Trump, to join them. My state has a late primary, and before the 206 primary, I had been intent on voting for Ben Carson because I knew from reading his works and life story that he was calm, reasonable, and logical. I hadn’t really given much thought to Trump’s candidacy because I had made up my mind, but come primary time, he was the only candidate left. I had already known that many of Hillary and Bernie’s supporters didn’t compromise their beliefs and thought that anyone who didn’t follow liberal orthodoxy weren’t welcome (and we all know that the DNC’s thoughts on that made that painfully clear, as I mentioned in an earlier post), so it made my choice clear. Trump asserted that he would listen to those of us who had been spurned by the liberals—even those (unlike myself) who only disagreed a little with the liberals. Conservatives aren’t going to listen to people who won’t compromise with them. So, for anyone who who has a hard time fathoming why we voted for Trump, that’s why. I just pray that both sides of the aisle can actually one day be able to sit down and talk about things civilly because the current lack of civility makes me worried for the nation and the world. As Jesus taught, we most treat ALL of our neighbors as ourselves, but that’s not happening here.

Anyways, enjoy the article!
